Pregnancy Care
We spend a lot of time during your pregnancy developing our relationship and preparing for
labour, childbirth and new motherhood. Pregnancy care may look like:
Helping you clarify your vision of birth
Discussing your fears and expectations
Teaching you the basics of childbirth and postpartum
Discussing previous births
Bringing to light your birth needs and create a unique, personalised birth plan
Enhancing your confidence in your body's capacity to birth
Practicing labour and pain techniques to assist you in feeling relaxed, strong and empowered
Ensuring that you know your options and are confident in advocating for yourself in order to make the best possible informed decisions
Helping you clarify your postnatal needs, prepare for healing, breastfeeding, and looking after a newborn.
Birth Support
My goal is to help you get the birth you want. When labour starts, I may meet my client at their place or join them when they transition to the hospital. During labour and birth, I may support you by:
Holding space for you and your partner
Improving your self-confidence
Helping you find comfortable and effective labour positions
Protecting your privacy
Creating a safe bubble around you to protect you from distractions, pressure, or fears that may slow down the natural progress of labour
Providing you with reassurance and perspective
Assisting with relaxation, massage, breathing and other comfort strategies
Advocating for you
Facilitating communication between you and the hospital staff, to ensure you make informed decisions
Supporting your partner in getting involved and feeling confident. ​

Postpartum Care
Bringing your baby home can be as magic as overwhelming. Postpartum care is all about supporting you emotionally and practically so that you can focus on your recovery and bonding with your baby. It may look like:
Debriefing the birth together
Providing you with a safe space to share your feelings
Offering you validation
Assisting with breastfeeding or formula feeding
Caring for your baby while you rest or shower
Assisting with settling techniques (massage, wrapping, etc)
Assisting with light housework
Assisting with basic cooking or groceries
Helping out with siblings
Protecting your privacy and postpartum bubble while getting your friends and relatives involved
Improving your and your partner's coping skills
Closing of the Bones Ceremony